Hong Kong Institute of Urban Design
The Greater Bay Area Urban Design Awards 2022

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Professional Category | Student Category | GBA Urban Design Video Competition

About The GBA Urban Design Awards

Following the tremendous success of the inaugural Greater Bay Area Urban Design Awards (“The GBA Urban Design Awards”) in 2020, The Hong Kong Institute of Urban Design (HKIUD) will organise the GBA Urban Design Awards 2022 in September with the support of the Create Hong Kong (CreateHK) of the Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region and the other four founding member Institutes from the Greater Bay Area Urban Designer Alliance including CURB Center for Architecture and Urbanism – Macau, Guangzhou Urban Planning Association, Urban Planning Society of Shenzhen and Zhuhai Planning Exploration and Design Industry Association.

The objective of the GBA Urban Design Awards is to elevate the overall urban design standard in the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area (GBA), and explore a mechanism for mutual recognition of professional qualifications in urban design in the Greater Bay Area through recognising excellence in urban design related projects in the GBA and fostering collaboration and exchange among urban designers, planners, architects, landscape architects, engineers, surveyors and other urban design professionals, companies and organisations in the GBA.

Urban design professionals and organisations in the GBA are invited to nominate urban design projects to participate in the GBA Urban Design Awards 2022 which is now open for nomination until 16 November 2022. To establish the credibility of the GBA Urban Design Awards, renowned representations from academia, practice firms and urban designers who have both abundant knowledge and expertise in urban design will be invited to be the Jury Panel. The Awards Adjudication will take place in November 2022 and the results will be announced at the 2022 Greater Bay Area International Conference on Urban Design in December 2022. The Awards Presentation Ceremony will be held in February 2023 in Hong Kong.

The GBA Urban Design Awards is comprised of the Professional Category and the Student Category. In 2022, a new category of Urban Design Video Competition is created which is open to the general public (Open Category) and full-time students (Student Category) in all cities in the Greater Bay Area.

Professional Category

1. Awards Category
The Professional Category has three sub-categories, namely Built Project, Urban Intervention and Plan/Concept.

2. Eligibility of Nominated Projects

  • Projects nominated for entries must be located inside the geographical area of the GBA.
  • Projects must be nominated by professional members or group members of the Founding Member Institutes of the GBA Urban Designer Alliance, or members of the professional institutes/organisations recommended by these Founding Member Institutes.
  • Projects nominated for sub-categories of Built Project and Urban Intervention must be completed physically between 1 January 2012 and 16 November 2022.
  • Projects nominated for sub-categories of Urban Intervention are for small-scale interventions that have been completed physically and made a significant contribution to the urban environment, for example:
    a. One or a group of small buildings of a total building area of not more than 2000 m2 ;
    b. A landscape area or public space of a total building area of not more than 3000 m2 ;
    c. Small urban elements, e.g. pavilion, shelter, street furniture, lighting, public art, gateway; or
    d. Other forms of temporary or permanent interventions.
  • Design or study nominated for sub-category of Plan/Concept must be completed and accepted between 1 January 2012 and 16 November 2022 by the Government departments concerned or clients who commissioned the projects.
  • The nominated projects shall in no way be associated with any members of the Jury Panel.

3. Entry & Specifications
Nominators should download, complete and return the Nomination Application Form and all the documents required (Please refer to the nomination form for details). Please note, nomination must be made by a member of any of the Founding Member Institutes from the GBA Urban Designer Alliance, or their recommended professional institutes/organisations.

Free submissions for all professional members or group members of the Founding Member Institutes of the GBA Urban Designer Alliance, or members of the professional institutes/ organisations recommended by these Founding Member Institutes.

4. Award Categories
There would be Grand Award, Merit Award and Nominated Award for shortlisted projects for each sub-category. The number of awards would depend on the quality and the number of entries. However, the Jury Panel reserves the right of not awarding any award if the entries are not up to standard. The decision of the Jury Panel shall be final.

Grand Award might be granted with or without titles as determined by the Jury Panel, and examples of the titles may include Sustainability, Heritage Conservation, Inclusive Urban Design, Livability, Urban Design for Health, etc. The Jury Panel reserves the right to determine the Awards’ titles.

5. Professional Category Jury Panel
Jury Panel for the Professional category shall consist of international or Mainland academia or practitioners in urban design outside the Greater Bay Area. Impartiality and reputation of the Awards will be safeguarded by a sound adjudication process.

Dr. Han Dongqing, Chief Architect, Architects & Engineers Co., Ltd, Southeast University, China
Ms Fun Siew Leng, Chief Urban Design, Urban Redevelopment Authority, Singapore
Professor Rahul Mehrotra, Architects & Professor of Urban Design Planning, Harvard University, USA
Associate Professor Susan Parham, Director of the University of Hertfordshire’s Urbanism Unit, UK

Professor Wu Jiang, Tongji University, China

Download the Nomination Form>>

Student Category

1. Urban Design Theme
“Sustainable development through urban design: New concepts and new paradigms for ideal cities”.

2. Eligibility

  • Open for all full-time urban design, architecture, landscape architecture and town planning full-time students who are studying in Hong Kong, Macau and other cities in the Greater Bay Area cities.
  • Students are eligible to form a group to enroll the Student Awards Category. Please note that the maximum number of student participants in a group entry should be ten including a group leader as the contact representative. Information such as full names, name of Institution and study programme of team members should be clearly stated in the form.
  • No limitation on the geographical location of the project.
  • The applicants and the submitted project shall in no way be associated with any members of the Jury Panel.

3. Submission Requirement
Students should download, complete and return the Entry Form and submit all the documents required.

Free submissions for all full-time urban design, architecture, landscape architecture and - town planning students who are studying in Hong Kong, Macau and other Greater Bay Area cities.

4. Awards Winning Category
Gold Award
Silver Award
Commendation Award – for shortlisted projects

5. Student Category Jury Panel

Ms Florence Chan, Director, KPF (Hong Kong) Limited

Mr Ivan Chung, JP. Director of Planning Department, HKSAR

Dr Dingxi Huang, Vice President and Secretary General, Guangzhou Urban Planning Association, China

Dr Liang Shan, Vice President, Chief Urban Designer, Urban Planning and Design Institute of Shenzhen Co.,Ltd. (UPDIS), China

Mr Edward Tse, JP, Director of Architectural Services Department, HKSAR

Download the Nomination Form>>

GBA Urban Design Video Competition

Following the tremendous success of the inaugural Greater Bay Area Urban Design Awards (“The GBA Urban Design Awards”) in 2020, the Hong Kong Institute of Urban Design (“HKIUD”) will organise the GBA Urban Design Awards 2022 in September as a bi-annual event, with the support of the founding member Institutes from the Greater Bay Area Urban Designer Alliance and that of Create Hong Kong (CreateHK) of the Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region as the lead sponsor. The objective of The GBA Urban Design Awards is to elevate the overall urban design standard in the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area (Greater Bay Area).

For the GBA Urban Design Awards 2022, a new category of award – GBA Urban Design Video Competition is introduced to promote the importance and benefits of good urban design to the public in the Greater Bay Area cities. The Competition is classified into Open Category and Student Category. The Open Category is open to all residents of the Greater Bay Area whereas the Student Category is open to full-time students of institutions in the Greater Bay Area. Each applicant can submit a video of no longer than 1 minute on their views or aspirations on good, creative, ideal or problems in urban design.

1. Theme
Inclusive & Liveable City

2. Judging Criteria
Submissions will be judged according to:

  • Views, aspirations and observations on urban design in relation to the theme of the competition expressed in the submitted videos;
  • Innovation of video shooting techniques; and
  • Effectiveness in execution of the submitted videos in bringing out the ideas and messages.
    (50% of the assessment marks should be allocated to creativity of ideas as expressed in the submitted videos; the remaining 50% on overall presentation.)

3. Fee
Free submissions for all residents and full-time students of institutions in Hong Kong, Macau and other cities of the Greater Bay Area.

4. Entry Qualifications

  • The Open Category is open to all residents in Hong Kong, Macau and other cities of the Greater Bay Area, and the Student Category is open to full-time students of institutions in Hong Kong, Macau and other cities of the Greater Bay Area.
  • Applicants in Student Category can submit their entries in individual or team format, with no limitation to the number of members in a team. Each team must assign a team leader as the contact representative, whose personal details including contact telephone number should be provided. Information such as full names of all team members, name of schools and course names and school years or forms should be clearly stated in the Entry Form.
  • The submitted videos must be taken inside the geographical area of the Greater Bay Area.
  • The applicants and the submitted videos shall in no way be associated with any members of the jury panel.

5. Specifications Of Submitted Videos

  • The duration of each video should be within 1 minute.
  • The resolution of each video should not be lower than 720x576 pixels (4:3) or 720x480 pixels (16:9) and in mp4 file format.
  • The video’s dialogue(s) and/or voice over (if any) MUST be in spoken English, Cantonese or Putonghua. If they are in spoken English, the video must provide subtitles in Traditional Chinese or Simplified Chinese; if they are in Cantonese or Putonghua, the video must provide subtitles in English. Chinese and English subtitles should be provided if there is no narration (voice over).

6. Jury Panel

Ms Corrin Chan, Ex-Chairlady of Hong Kong Architecture Centre & Director of AOS Architecture
Mr Paul Tse, Co-founder and Design Director of New Office Works (NOW)
Mr Tugo Cheng, Photographer, TUGO CHENG Studio Limited

7. Awards Prizes
Gold Award (1 place): HK$6,000 cash + Awards Certificate
Silver Award (1 place): HK$3,000 cash + Awards Certificate
Merits Awards (2 places): HK$1,000 cash + Awards Certificate

Download the Nomination Form>>

Key Dates

Date Events
19 September 2022 Open for Nomination and Submission
16 November 2022 Nomination and Submission close at 3:00pm (HK Time)
November 2022 Awards Adjudication
January 2023 Result Announcement
Feb 2023 Awards Presentation Ceremony in Hong Kong

The award-winning projects will be posted on The Hong Kong Institute of Urban Design website.

For more information about The GBA Urban Design Awards 2022, please visit

Event Secretariat
About The GBA Urban Design Awards 2022, please contact Blink Events & PR Consultants Limited:
Tel: (852) 3797 5710

For media enquiries, please contact:
Ms. Zelia Law
Tel: (852) 3797 5710

Ms. Brenda Wong
Tel: (852) 3797 5710

Lead Sponsor

Silver Sponsor

Media Partner

Disclaimer: Create Hong Kong of the Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region provides funding support to the project only, and does not otherwise take part in the project. Any opinions, findings, conclusions or recommendations expressed in these materials/events (or by members of the project team) are those of the project organisers only and do not reflect the views of the Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, the Culture, Sports and Tourism Bureau, Create Hong Kong, the CreateSmart Initiative Secretariat or the CreateSmart Initiative Vetting Committee.